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General info

Register to Vote on Campus and Off Campus

Vikings Vote
  • An exterior shot of the Enterprise 麻豆成人精品

  • A student votes at her local polling location

What's on the Ballot and Find Local Elections

Facts and Figures

  • 68.1

    Student voting rate in 2020
  • Gold

    Excellence: Student Voter Engagement ALL IN Campus Challenge
  • The Best

    College for Student Voting, Washington Monthly

Educational Events

Contact Us

Cynthia Lynch, Executive Director | Email Cynthia Lynch, 978.542.2873

Samantha Giffen, Assistant Director | Email Samantha Giffen, 978.542.5023

Contact Us

North Campus, Meier Hall, Room 316A
Mailing Address:
352 Lafayette St.
Salem, MA 01970
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