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Helpful tips for taking care of yourself during this heat wave

Sep 7, 2023
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate—drink more water than you usually would! Bring a reusable water bottle and refill at drinking fountains or know where to purchase water on campus at dining halls or vending machines.
  • Avoid sugary or alcoholic beverages
  • Consider electrolyte replenishing beverages to replace salts and minerals lost with increased sweating
  • Always follow your medical providers’ guidance on fluid restrictions
  • Eat light meals—don’t skip eating!
  • Wear light-weight, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Bring cooling devices with you as needed, such as portable handheld fans, cooling towels, etc.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure, stay in cool indoor areas when possible.
  • Schedule outdoor activities carefully and aim to be outdoors when its cooler in the early morning and evening.
  • Cut back on exercise during extreme heat. If you must exercise, start slow and pace yourself gradually. Stop if you experience lightheadedness, confusion or weakness. Seek shade/cool.
  • Wear sunscreen if outdoors—a sunburn can cause dehydration and make it more difficult for your body to keep cool.   
  • Check on those around you and those most at risk for heat related illness including infants, those over 65, those who physically exert themselves for work or exercise, and those who are ill or have underlying health conditions.
  • Call the facilities help line if an area or room seems too hot at 978.542.4357 (HELP).
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