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Current Student Profile - Jeremy Wilkins-Keene

Major: Geographic Information systems & Geo-Spatial Information
May 7, 2024

What brought you to Salem State University?

After getting out of the military I wanted to pursue higher education and got offered the most benefits to come to Salem State University through the G.I. Bill. I also liked the campus and the teachers, so I made the choice and decided to pursue my education here at SSU.

What are some of your favorite things about the campus?

I am a commuter. While I don鈥檛 live on campus, I am on campus every day and appreciate the geography lounge as a space to sit and work that is different than the library. I also appreciate the veterans lounge and the resources dedicated to helping veterans adjust to school life.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Reading, MA a town not far from Salem. I attended a vocational high school for engineering there.

What classes or faculty members had the greatest impact on you?

First and foremost, now retired 麻豆成人精品 Young had the biggest impact on me due to showing me how lucrative and interesting geography can be. I also have to say that 麻豆成人精品 Luna, 麻豆成人精品 Krebs and 麻豆成人精品 Ratner have all had big impacts on my time here at Salem State. From getting help in class settings to traveling multiple continents together I have built a strong connection and network at Salem State University.

Was there a specific out-of-classroom learning experience that was especially significant to your career preparation?

This past spring break I traveled to Spain and Morocco with 麻豆成人精品 Luna and 麻豆成人精品 Krebs. Getting to talk and see real world examples of topics we learned in class while on our travels helped me gather a better understanding of course material but also I had a lot fun.

What was one of your favorite moments at Salem State?

Studying languages! Salem State has helped me further my French fluency and through travel given me the ability to practice my Arabic and Darija in a real-life setting.

What are some good habits you put in place for yourself in college?

Staying ahead and asking questions. I am someone who if I don鈥檛 stay ahead of homework and assignments, I could have trouble catching up. Taking the time to put schoolwork and research first has allowed me to actually have more time to hang out with friends.

What are some things that new students should check out on campus or in Salem?

I think the things I personally wish I knew sooner about SSU was how many study abroad opportunities actually existed and as a commuter how nice the library is to stay and do work.

What do you wish you had known before starting college?

That it鈥檚 okay to not know what you want to do right out the gate. I stressed for way too long, and it eventually found me. You will know when you like your major and you just have to try things until you find a good fit.

What advice do you have for prospective students looking at colleges?

I think people should make friends and travel. Join clubs and do on-campus events. Try a multitude of classes even if you don鈥檛 think it may be your first choice.

What is your favorite place to use your clippercard?

Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts but especially Dunkin Donuts because they know my order the minute they see me.

What do you hope to do after graduation?

I hope to work for either a government organization or non-government organization to help people and places in need. Working with organizations like United Nations and state side organization like FEMA and DHS have given me the same validation I had in the military and it would be nice to do work like this on the civilian side and have better pay!

What is your favorite quote?

鈥淚t takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.鈥 -E.E. Cummings

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